About Us

       You saw the photograph on the Home page of this blog. This photograph shocked some like minded people and made them feel so much. Finally they decided and founded "Famineless World Foundation" (FWF called hereafter). FWF is not linked with any other organization or trusts. The only aim of FWF is to feed the poor & needy hungry person freely (freely you have received, freely give) and eradicate famine from this world completely. Also FWF is working to start "FREE FOOD CENTRE" in every district in India and in Famine stricken countries throughout the world.

FWF has only one request from you…
First Thank God for food and water you already have.
Secondly do not waste the food you have got.
Thirdly if possible feed at least one poor person you see. If you can contribute more, you can contact a NGO / Orphanage / Societies near your area and arrange for one day food for the poor people. You can also arrange this for some special days like your Birthday / Wedding Day etc.

Please note FWF does not demand for any contributions, donations or gifts in any form. Also FWF is not funded or endowed by any group or denomination or trusts. Many people through their prayers and making even the very smallest of contributions enable FWF to feed the poor & needy hunger.

If you would like to make a contribution to FWF, AT YOUR FULL WILL, you may do so by going to the Donate Us page.